Twitter: @Genevan_Inst e-mail: editor@girs.com
8245 Parkwood Blvd., Seminole, FL 33777
Ministry Report – June 2013
We thank all of you for your prayers and support. We have had a very busy month in June of 2013, and anticipate busy times ahead. The Lord has given us a vast field of ministry. During June alone our on-line resources have ministered directly to 592 unique visitors. They collectively used 2,052 articles, lessons, and pages available on our site. The ten countries or territories using our site most frequently in June were: the United States, Australia, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore, Nigeria, China, Indonesia, and India. Not many physical missions are able to reach as many people and penetrate the world as thoroughly through one outreach effort.
Users make regular use of our major original works.
Theological works: 53 lessons through the Westminster Confession of Faith, studies on all 107 questions in the Westminster Shorter Catechism, and studies through the five heads of doctrine in the Canons of Dort.
Exegetical and practical commentaries: the Books of Romans, Jude, Haggai, (lessons from the Book of Habakkuk are currently being published one study at a time), and Psalm 51. More commentaries are being edited.
Complete study series: Bible Basics, The Holy Spirit in the Ministry of the Word, the Truth About Christmas, A Plan for Group Bible Study, and a presentation of the Gospel in “Getting Right with God”.
Many of our stand-alone articles have also risen to high levels on Google and other search engines. Some are directly quoted and referenced by popularly used resources such as Wikipedia, Theopedia, and Monergism. This has brought thousands of people to our lessons from around the world. Among the more popular articles are: “The Sabbath Day” “Alternate Life as an Avatar” “the Meaning of Propitiation” “A Study in Speaking in Tongues” “Did Jesus Descend into Hell?” “Worship Music Beyond Only the Psalms”
Thursday nights from 9 to 10 Eastern Time we host an internet class-room in our live discussions center. Due to technical complications we have temporarily suspended the live video feed while we work on making improvements. Currently we have a text chat type class where material relating to the topic is presented while those attending can make comments or ask questions.
Regular e-mail exchanges with users have attempted to direct them to answers based upon the Bible speaking for itself, and to encourage them to become part of a sound Bible-teaching church in their area.
We welcome prayer and financial support from individuals and churches who partner with us in expanding our outreach and providing sound biblical studies without cost to the lost, and to hungry believers everywhere. We are a 501c3 educational corporation so all gifts are tax-deductible.
Yours by grace alone: Bob Burridge (executive director)