by Bob Burridge ©2014
The traditional Christmas story isn’t always told the way it really happened. The facts have been blended with traditions and fanciful imaginations. That version of the birth of Jesus makes us tend to visualize things contrary to what’s actually there. A careful study of the biblical account helps our mental picture of Christ’s birth conform with what God actually tells us.
Since we are so used to hearing the Christmas story told in the wording of the King James Version of the Bible, that will be the basic translation we will use in this study. Explanations will be made where there are better translations of the way the original language tells the story.
its victory was eternally promised and continues forever.
1. The Call to Bethlehem – God’s promise began to be fulfilled in the town of Bethlehem
2. Birth Announcements – the parents learning about the births of Jesus and John
3. The Birth of Jesus – God’s angel brought an amazing message to simple shepherds
4. The Wise-men and the Star – The facts about the Magi and the star are not what most believe.
Original song written to conclude this series when first presented in 1991,
“A King Was Born That Day“
This updated series of studies is based upon an Adult Sunday School class
presented at Christ the King PCA church in Seminole, Florida.