Our Reformed Heritage

Our Reformed Heritage

by Bob Burridge

When challenges have faced God’s people and his church
valuable leaders and teachers were raised up as guides and teachers.
Their writings clarify important biblical truths still important for us today.

1. The Obvious God – God is there to be seen. Fallen hearts fail to see the evidence for what it is. We need to know God’s way of presenting God’s truth to the lost world. God used Dr. Cornelius Van Til to reform our approach back to a more biblical standard.
Watch the Video.

2. Triumphantly Intolerant – We are assured victory when we properly and bravely battle with unbelief. Though evil has its place in God’s plan, it is not to stand unopposed. One who stood out in the battle against Modernism and compromise was Dr. John Gresham Machen.

3. Practical Holiness – What does it really mean to be Holy? and what is the practical side of it? We are called to be holy as the Lord our God is holy (Leviticus 19:2, Hebrews 12:14). A very helpful and classic work on “Holiness” was written by J. C. Ryle.

4. A Renewed Promise and Hope – We need to understand God’s Covenant as it unfolds in Scripture. God’s relationship from Eden to the final Day of Judgment is covenantal. Geerhardus Vos is sometimes called the Father of Biblical Theology

5. The Inspiration of the Treasured Word of God – God’s infallible written word is a treasure to cherish. Reference to the historic defense of the Bible by Benjamin Palmer and B. B. Warfield.

6. Defend and Protect – We need to stand bravely in defense of the faith in whatever circumstances God brings our way. We see this wonderfully displayed in the life and example of John Knox.

7. Lord Over Everything (Colossians 1:16-17) – In every area of our lives and thoughts God should be our focus and Sovereign King. A wonderful example of bringing it all together is seen in the life and writings of Abraham Kuyper.

8. There is a Time to Speak Out (Psalm 24:2) – It takes the kind of courage and determination that comes to the most simple of us who humbly rest in God’s promises through Christ, to those who understand the creation mandate, and their duty to promote God’s glory in all he entrusts to them. This is illustrated in the example of John Wycliffe

9. Practical Sovereignty (Ephesians 1:11-12) – God’s Sovereign power is that vital and practical anchor for the soul. His promises alone grip the real ground that holds his people fast through life’s turmoils and trials. The Example of Samuel Davies

10. Brave Christianity (Luke 12:6) – God is our strength
a look at the life and writings of Robert Lewis Dabney and Stonewall Jackson

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