We have added Lesson 2 to Unit 5 of our on-line Syllabus on Reformed Theology. The topic is “Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience.” It deals with Chapter 20 of the Westminster Confession of Faith.
There are many opinions about what it really means to be “free.” The Lesson deals with how the concept is defined and applied in Scripture. Once the basic principles are known we gain way of evaluating the cultural questions that so often divide and confuse Christians in our changing world.
The Lesson does not get into giving answers to specific application questions such as the morality of various controversial practices which some condemn as “worldly”, while others freely engage in them. Issues such as moderate drinking of alcoholic beverages, smoking, dancing, wearing various kinds of jewelry, eating meat, playing occult type games at parties, watching certain movies (or all movies), etc. are best dealt with independently in separate articles. We have taken up many of these issues in our Thursday night Webchat times and will continue to address them as questions arise.
The purpose of this newly posted lesson is to lay out sound biblical principles that can be used in making decisions about specific issues that may trouble the conscience, but are not directly addressed in the Bible.
Dr. G. I. Willimason in his lessons on the Westminster Confession wisely comments, “It has been said, there is a Pope in every man’s heart. We are all tempted to think that we could improve our fellow Christians if we had charge of their conscience.”
Jesus Christ is Lord of our conscience. His written word informs us of the details of how we honor that lordship.