Knowing What God Has Said

Updated Study Series with Video Presentations (©2016)

Lesson 1: Truth: Knowing What God Has SaidVideo
Lesson 2: Revelation: Divine Self-Disclosure Video
Lesson 3: The Canon of ScriptureVideo
Lesson 4: The Inspiration of ScriptureVideo
Lesson 5: The Preservation of ScriptureVideo
Lesson 6: The Translation of ScriptureVideo
Lesson 7: The Interpretation of ScriptureVideo

See other video lessons on our YouTube channel.

Other Readings:
A. A. Hodge: Commentary on the Confession of Faith (Introduction, ch. 1)
C. Hodge: Systematic Theology (Vol 1, Introduction)
W. G. T. Shedd: Dogmatic Theology (Vol 1 Introduction, Bibliology)
L. Berkhof: Principles of Biblical Interpretation
Westminster Faculty: The Infallible Word (a symposium)
Berkeley Mikelsen: Interpreting the Bible (pages 99-176)
Cornelius Vantil: The Defense of the Faith
O. Palmer Robertson: The Christ of the Covenants

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