Survey Studies in Reformed Theology
Syllabus for the Genevan Institute for Reformed Studies
Bob Burridge ©1996, 2002, 2006, 2010
Unit Six: Ecclesiology
by Pastor Bob Burridge ©2002, 2010
Westminster Confession of Faith chapter 25-31
Lesson 1: The Church (WCF 25)
Lesson 2: The Communion of Saints (WCF 26)
Lesson 3: The Sacraments (WCF 27)
Lesson 4: Baptism (WCF 28)
Lesson 5: The Lord’s Supper (WCF 29)
Lesson 6: Church Censures (WCF 30)
Lesson 7: Synods and Councils (WCF 31)
Reading Assignments
A.A. Hodge: Commentary on the Confession of Faith ch 25-31
C. Hodge: Systematic Theology (Vol 3, Pt 3, ch 20)
Jay E. Adams: Shepherding God’s Flock
W.G.T.Shedd: Dogmatic Theology (Vol 2, Soteriology ch 7)
L. Berkhof: Systematic Theology (Pt 5 The Means of Grace)
Geerhardus Vos: Biblical Theology
John Murray: Christian Baptism
George P. Huchinson: The History Behind the RPCES
Berghoef & DeKoster: The Elders Handbook & the Deacons Handbook