Twitter: @Genevan_Inst e-mail: editor@girs.com
Ministry Report
for the year of November 1, 2012 to November 1, 2013
We thank all of you for your prayers and support. We have had a very busy year so far, and anticipate more busy times ahead. This summary report should give you an idea of what’s been going on here for the past year as we reach out to bring God’s word to God’s world.
This past year we published a few book-length pamphlet-size studies which are offered without cost to our web visitors. We have had some good responses from those who have used them.
“Studies in the Book of Habakkuk” – Understanding God in Troubled Times
“Studies in the Book of Haggai” – The Priority of God in Our Lives
“Studies in the Book of Jude” – Contending for the Faith
“A Plan for Group Bible Study” – a guide for home / neighborhood Bible studies
We also updated a brief presentation of the Gospel “Getting Right with God“. This is in the form of a printable document which could be handed to those who need to hear the gospel of God’s saving grace. The link on our website to this page can easily be copied and sent to those you are in contact with over the Internet. It could also be used in evangelism training or in preparing leaders of the church.
Among other articles written and offered on our website this past year are:
“Worship Music Beyond the Psalms“, “The Sabbath Day“, and “Iterative Reformation“.
This past year in our Thursday web-classroom we covered the material in Westminster Confession of Faith chapters 19 through 33. Before the end of 2013 we will have completed lessons through the entire Confession. Several selected video presentations from our Thursday discussions are available on Justin TV at http://www.justin.tv/genevaninstitute/videos.
We have recently begun offering audio sermons indexed in the “Audio” section of our website. They include sermons based on texts and topics drawn directy from Scripture.
A True World Outreach
In the past year we hosted 14,548 unique visitors on our website. 37,606 pages and articles were served up to those who came to use our resources. We had contacts from 154 different countries and territories, most of them visiting on many occasions.
Below is a map where the sizes of the dots reflect the number of users from each city using our site this year.

Locally during the past year our Executive Director has been leading two home neighborhood studies through the Book of Romans on Monday nights through Christ the King Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Seminole Florida, teaching selected units in a combined Sunday School class there, and helping lead the monthly Vespers Services. On occasion he has been able to do pulpit supply at PCA churches in our Presbytery.