Brief Summary of the 45th General Assembly
of the Presbyterian Church in America
The 45th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America took place from June 12-15, 2017 in Greensboro, NC. The PCA dealt with some important issues relating to keeping their churches faithful to biblical principles, while being faithful to God’s commission to represent his gospel and revealed truths to the world.
The sermon at the Tuesday evening worship service was delivered by outgoing Moderator, Dr. George Roberstson. In the business session that followed Ruling Elder Dr. Alexander Jun was elected Moderator for the 45th General Assembly.
The Wednesday morning session was mostly centered on passing procedural matters having to do with some minor Book of Church Order changes, and adjustments to the Rules of Assembly Operations manual. The afternoon was taken up by motions, amendments, and debates centering on the report attempting to clarify the role of women in the church. The concern was to find properly biblical ways to employ all members of the church in its work and worship.
On Thursday the report from the Review of Presbytery Records Committee brought up the question of the use of pictures of Jesus. It was determined that a picture representing Jesus on a worship bulletin cover was contrary to Scripture and to our adopted Constitutional Standards.
Each of our Committees and Agencies reported on their work promoting a spiritually healthy church striving to conform it’s practices to Scripture, and to promote God’s message and glory in our own communities and to the world. There were differences of opinion and convictions about some matters and methods, but there was a concern for mutual respect and a desire to submit to Scripture as the final authority behind our convictions and practices.
The Assembly was able to adjourn by about 10:45pm on Thursday eliminating the need for the Friday morning business session. The Assembly will reconvene in Atlanta in 2018.