See also our Index of: “Original Songs of God’s Glory and Grace“
Sermons from the Teachings of Jesus Christ:
With Us in the Storm Matthew 14:22-33 (audio 31:12)
Never abandon your trust in the one who will never abandon you.
Impossible Things John 6:1-15 (audio 31:11)
God calls us to do what can only be done as he works in us.
Weeds in the Wheat Field Matthew 13:24-43 (audio 35:23)
God’s Kingdom on earth is not perfect. There are weeds growing in the midst of the wheat.
It Depends Upon the Soil Matthew 13:1-23 (audio 32:25)
Why does the Gospel take root in some but not in others?
Sermons of God’s Kingdom:
1. “Serving the King of Kings” 1 Chronicles 29:11-12 (audio 34:18)
There have been many kings, but just one King of all kings. It is him whom we serve.
2. “Kingdom War from Dawn to Glory” Matthew 6:10 (audio 32:57)
God’s Kingdom has been at war since sin emerged. We battle today toward certain victory.
3. “Behind the Battlefield” Genesis 14:20 (audio 37:05)
Behind the battlefield God is in control to move things toward ultimate victory.
4. “A Snapshot of God’s Kingdom Growing” Romans 11:5 (audio 32:31)
What we see today is just a moment in the advance of God’s Kingdom on earth.
5. “God’s Kingdom Brings Changes” Ephesians 4:17-24 (audio 28:56)
As God’s Kingdom advanced, We need to make changes too.
6. “The Kingdom of Glory” John 14:1-4 (audio 34:37)
It’s our privilege and mission to declare the glory of the King of all kings.
Sermons on Various Topics:
The Unexpected King (audio 16:38) A sermon for Palm Sunday from Zechariah 9:9
Imagined Dangers 1 Kings 18:7-16 (audio 26:44) – Fear of what might happen can keep us from doing what we should be doing. [Sermon on 02/18/2018 at Christ Central Presbyterian Church – Tampa, FL]
Like the Dew and Like Lions (We Rain and we Reign), Micah 5:5-15
A Powerful Piece of News Colossians 1:3-8
Thankful Living Ephesians 5:20 (audio 33:48)
the dangers of ingratitude, the importance of giving thanks
Iterative Reformation 2 Kings 22 (audio 45:04)
Can Reformation happen again? What should we be doing?
What Is Most Important? Micah 6:8 (08/31/08 – audio 31:40)
What drives the choices you make? What should drive them?
Chariots and Horses Psalm 20 (05/18/08 – audio 31:04)
Our strength is in God’s promises, not in the devices of this world.
The Battle for the Boundaries John 8:36 (07/04/10 – audio 38:12)
Independence Day Sermon
We Worship a Risen Savior Matthew 28:17 (03/23/08 audio 31:24)
An Easter sermon – the resurrection and the worship it produces
The Glory of Christ Matthew 17:1-13 (04/06/08 – audio 36:46)
Jesus Christ’s amazing glory at the Transfiguration
An Escape Route 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 (05/26/13 – audio 37:17)
God provides a way of escape when we face temptations.
Everything In It’s Time Ecclesiastes 3 (06/27/10 – audio 23:37)
final morning worship sermon of Grace Presbyterian Church